In these 3 months sunrise times went from 07:00AM to 07:51AM, and the sun was now rising over Stellenbosch and Ceres mountains. Trade off for a longer lie in is much lower temperatures and wind-chill factors to deal with. Time to switch from coffee to lots of hot chocolate!
In May we started to approach Cape Town winter season, dew point was at 130C, and temperatures were 130C, so even without rain we would get quite wet, with the added challenge of keeping the lens clear and not misting up.
The fun part about these later sunrises is that there are many more commuters on the roads at this time of day, so great opportunity to play with the effects of car lights coming around the mountain. The South African phenomenon of “load shedding” also resulted in some interesting effects. Watching areas of the city disappear into complete darkness meant that car lights looked like they were threading through a “black hole”.
The hyperlinks below once again provide all the detail of the shift of the sun over this 3 month period.
- Project week 19: Calendar Week 14, date 03 April 2019
- Project week 20: Calendar Week 15, date 10 April 2019
- Project week 21: Calendar Week 16, date 17 April 2019
- Project week 22: Calendar Week 17, date 28 April 2019
- Project week 23: Calendar Week 18, date 01 May 2019
- Project week 24: Calendar Week 19, date 09 May 2019
- Project week 25: Calendar Week 20, date 15 May 2019
- Project week 26: Calendar Week 21, date 22 May 2019
- Missed Calendar Weeks 22 & 23
- Project week 27: Calendar Week 24, date 15 June 2019
- Project week 28: Calendar Week 25, date 19 June 2019
- Missed Calendar Week 26