The start of #capedawnproject Oct-Nov-Dec 2018

At the start of this project I didn’t know what to expect. But quick to learn that you need more than one source for the weather reports and that regardless of the season, it is generally quite chilly before the sunrises. With wind almost guaranteed in Cape Town, its taken time to find the best spots sheltered from either the NW or SE. So these earlier images are still very much in the learning stages of this project. Not only learning about the best way to capture these moments, but also about cloud formations and the location of the sun.

I did quite a bit of research into taking photos in these conditions. I start pretty much in the dark, and then as it gets lighter using spot light metering can have such a dramatic affect on the colours in the images. The wind is the biggest challenge, plenty of rocks to hold down the tripod, but using the 2-second time delay and stabilizer off results in the best images, when there is absolutely no wind of course. 

The hyperlinks below provide a great overview of the location of the sun on the days these images were taken. Still at the start of our summer the sun was on its path heading south. It was incredible to see this “live” as it progressed week by week.

For various reasons: travel, weather etc. it hasn’t been possible to capture images for every week thus far. However, it is my intention with this project to complete all 52 weeks, so it may take a couple of years to fill in the blanks, but they will get done!

This entry was posted in Cape Dawn.