At the start of this project in October 2018, I knew there would be weeks that I’d miss for various reasons. My commitment would be at best a 2year one but hopefully not more than […]
#capedawnproject – the final quarter Jul-Aug-Sep 2019
Of the 52 weeks in a year we have managed to photograph 38 weekly sunrises, 73% not bad for a first attempt at a commitment like this. However, the real challenge is going to be […]
Time-lapse discoveries
The first time I experimented with time-lapse was during one of our #capedawnproject mornings, capturing the changes to the landscape as the sun rose above the mountains was good experimental subject matter. Just using the […]
#capedawnproject approaches the winter months
In these 3 months sunrise times went from 07:00AM to 07:51AM, and the sun was now rising over Stellenbosch and Ceres mountains. Trade off for a longer lie in is much lower temperatures and wind-chill […]
#capedawnproject continues into 2019
Committing to finding one morning a week to get up well before sunrise, make a flask of coffee, get to the top of Ou Kaapse Weg and accept whatever weather is thrown at you, is […]
The start of #capedawnproject Oct-Nov-Dec 2018
At the start of this project I didn’t know what to expect. But quick to learn that you need more than one source for the weather reports and that regardless of the season, it is […]